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Computer Question Bank
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Ms Word: Which option enables automatic updates in destination documents?
  1. embedding
  2. objects
  3. links
  4. relationships

Q2. A co-processor

  1. Is relatively easy to support in software
  2. Causes all processor to function equally
  3. Works with any application
  4. Is quite common in modern computer
Correct Answer

Q3. ______ is used in operating system to separate mechanism from policy

  1. Single level implementation
  2. Two level implementation
  3. Multi level implementation
  4. None
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Access: If I create ‘Student’ field in ‘Fees’ table to store ‘student_id’ of ‘Students’ table, then this ‘Student’ field in ‘Fees’ table is called:

  1. Foreign key
  2. Native key
  3. Composite key
  4. Primary key
Correct Answer

Q5. To move to the beginning of a line of text, press the __________ key.

  1. a
  2. pageup
  3. enter
  4. home
Correct Answer

Q6. Unicode standard is

  1. Keyboard layout
  2. Software
  3. Font
  4. Character encoding system
Correct Answer

Q7. The first firm to mass-market a microcomputer as a personal computer was

  1. IBM
  2. Super UNIVAC
  3. Radio Shaks
  4. Data General Corporation
Correct Answer

Q8. When a computer is first turned on or restarted, a special type of absolute loader called

  1. Compile and go loader
  2. Boot loader
  3. Bootstrap loader
  4. Relating loader
Correct Answer

Q9. What produces useful information out of data?

  1. Computer
  2. Processing
  3. Programming
  4. none of above
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Word: Pressing the _____ key instructs Word to replace an AutoText entry name with the stored AutoText entry.

  1. f1
  2. f2
  3. f3
  4. f4
Correct Answer

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